[2.4.3] Технические работы #2 [08.10.2023] - WOSERGAME - Форум портала про WoW

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[2.4.3] Технические работы #2 [08.10.2023]
ПрочитаноВс, 08-10-23, 18:26

60 lvl
Сообщений: 3521
Награды: 1
Репутация: 61
Статус: Не в сети

Уважаемые Игроки!

Спешим сообщить Вам, что 08.10.2023 с 17:00 до 18:00, проводились технические работы в игровом мире.


1) Fix an old crash that happen randomly especially at startup.
2) Botanica: Add spell lists to laj and rework his elemental shift.
3) Botanica: Modernize thorngrin the tender with spell lists and add missing text.
4) Botanica: Readd back missing texts for thorngrin.
5) Botanica: Initial rewrite of Warp splinter.
6) Botanica: Port warp splinter to spell lists.
7) Mechanar: Modernize instance script.
8) Mechanar: Port all texts to bct.
9) Mechanar: Rework mechano lord capacitus using spell lists and spell script.
10) Mechanar: Tag nether charge action to only occur in combat.
11) Mechanar: Rework sepethrea using spell lists and combat ai.
12) Mechanar: Modernize pathaleon the calculator with spell lists and spell scripts.
13) Spell: Implement SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE and rename CalculateSpellCritChance.
14) Mage: Implement ShatterMage using SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE.
15) Unit: Rename MeleeDamageBonusTaken spellInfo.
16) Spell/Aura: Implement OnAffectCheck.
17) Spell: Fix two typos in unlearn blacksmithing weaponspecs.
18) SHH: Add nethekurse void zone correct aura.
19) Add cd to peon rp's.
20) Outland: Port doom lord kazzak to spell lists and combat ai and spellscripts.
21) SMV: Rework doomwalker using combatai, spell lists and spell scripts.
22) Adjust ExtractResources script to be POSIX-compliant again.
23) Doomwalker: Fix typo.
24) GameObject: Generic check for ignoring GO los by marking it m2 is incorrect.
25) Fixed error handling in ExtractResources.sh.
26) Changed ExtractResources.sh to not prompt for any settings when started with the "a" parameter.
27) Fixed all occurrences of 'SC2086 - Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting' in the extraction scripts.
28) Unit/Spell: Resolve weapon skill usage bugs.
29) Extractor scripts: fix bad command arg generation.
30) Unit/Spell: Fix AnyFriendlyUnitInObjectRangeCheck missing assistability condition.
31) Unit/Spell: Add missing hook into CalculateEffectiveCritChance for SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE.
32) Spell/Wand: Make wands use weapon skill for hit and crit chance calc.
TODO: Confirm whether wanding hit shares die with resist in vanilla and tbc or separate die.
34) Warlock/Spell/Pet: Fix warlock infernal summon spell for scaling auras.
35) Bloodmyst: Enable legoso support for spell lists.
36) Player: Make GetReqKillOrCastCurrentCount const.
37) EAI: Fix EVENT_T_DEATH not working with two layers deep PCs and fix npcs not being checked against cond.
38) Unit: Move LOS check from just EAI to general spell target picking for AI.
39) Fix warden scans terminator logic.
40) Pet: Fix default behaviour for IgnoresOwnersDeath.
41) TimerAI: Do not reset timers on evade for TIMER_ALWAYS.
42) SpawnGroup: Disallow aggro of same group member through CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER.
43) SpawnGroup: Allow spawn group aggro from previous commit for MC/Charm case.
44) SHH: Gladiator RP. Shattered Halls - Gladiator RP.
* Add rnd emotes to centurion.
* Fix some errors.
* Correct they way gladiators start fighting players when centurion gets attacked.
* Fix gladiators not starting to fight players when player starts aggroing gladiator.
* Remove hackfixed aggro, now working with spawn_group flag CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER.
45) [Spell]Ghost Visual Spells should not be removed on Evade.
46) [Spell]Add "Controlled" Prevention for Backstab and Gouge Spells.
47) [Spell]Add spells to should not be removed on Evade.
48) Unit: Another batch of renames.
49) Spell: Add DamageEffectType damageType parameter to OnAbsorb.
50) GameObject: Despawn/Refill chests 5 min after first opening even if not looted.
51) Spell: Add spellInfo to OnCritChanceCalculate.
52) BF: Port all texts to bct.
53) HFR: Port all texts to bct.
54) Shartuul: Fix legacy spell set choice.
55) Remove unused member from instance_gruuls_lair.
56) Fix a few typos in the Shattered Halls scripts.
57) Add missing spell 20409 for Onyxia transform.
58) Spell/Warlock: Port healthstone script to spell scripts.
59) SSC: Partial rewrite of hydross.
60) Spell: Fix typo preventing healthstone create and typo assigning.
61) Hellfire: Fix kazzak twisted reflection healing tank.
62) SSC: Rework Hydross using spell lists, BCT, CombatAI and area aura for transition.
63) Scripts: Fix SCRIPT_FLAG_BUDDY_BY_GUID with dynguid.
64) OHF: Port thrall script to bct.
65) Fix unit_condition not being insertable on db end.

1) Add missing auras to Triangulation Point Triggers and add spawn for Point Two trigger.
2) Convert Dragonmaw Bonewarder 1057 - creature_spell_list.
3) Rescript Culuthas into spell_list and add RP between Image of Socrethat and Culuthas.
4) Respawn Terokkar Forest Carrion Hill & The Bone Wastes Wildlife.
5) Remove wrong stormwind guards game_event_creature_data.
6) Respawn Restless Bones 182584.
7) Respawn Infested Root-Walker 22095 & Rotting Forest-Rager 22307.
8) Move Negatron 19851 to creature_spell_list.
9) Respawn Razorthorn Dirt Mound 187073 for q.11520 Discovering Your Roots.
10) Reef Frenzy 2173 - Cast Darkshore Frenzy on Spawn.
11) Bogling 3569 - Cast Bogling Passive on Spawn.
12) Illusionary Nightmare 4785 - Cast Illusion Passive on Spawn.
13) Remove wrong Poison Proc from Slims Friend 4971.
14) Cast Elemental Spirit Invisibility on Spawn.
15) Ravasaur Matriarch 6581 - Cast Thrash on Spawn.
16) Onin MacHammar 6886 - Cast Faded OOC.
17) RFD: Remove wrong Thrash Aura for Tutenkash 7355.
18) Felcular 7735 - Cast Thrash on Spawn.
19) Priestess Tyriona 7779 - Cast Perm. Illusion Bishop Tyriona on Spawn.
20) Walking Bomb 7915 - Cast Walking Bomb Passive Proc (100%) on Spawn.
21) Botanica: Add thorngrin the tender spell lists and missing text.
22) Botanica: Adjust warp splinter model data.
23) Botanica: Port warp splinter to spell lists.
24) Mechanar: Add mechanar bcts.
25) Mechanar: Add mechano lord capacitus spell lists.
26) Add Healing Way affect mask.
27) Add Increased Judgement of Light affect mask.
28) Warlock: Add t5 4 set affect mask.
29) Ambassador Solannas and his guards into spell_list.
30) Outland: Add bct and spell lists for doom lord kazzak.
31) Add end script for quest 'warn Bolvar!'.
32) Correct stats of mechs.
33) Add and Correct Creature Equipment, Add PTR Trainers and other npcs.
34) Zul'Gurub - Gurubashi Berserker 004 & 005.
35) Add doomwalker spell lists and bct.
36) Mechanar: Fix pathaleon spell lists logical typo.
37) Add Dark Iron Herald 24536 - Brewfes.
38) Update flags for Gladiator Groups and delete some unused creature_spawn_entrys.
39) Bloodmyst: Add demolitionist legoso abilities.
40) Correct Sleep Aura for Ghok Bashguud 9718.
41) SHH - readd aggro together to Shattered Hand Gladiator groups in Sparring Hall.
42) Collidus the Warp-Watcher into spell_list.
43) Final Cleanup and reguide of SHH.
44) Improve Stitched Horror 8543, Gangled Golem 8544 & Stitched Golem 8545.
45) Hedmush the Rotting 10821 - Cast Disease Cloud on Spawn.
46) Cursed Centaur 11688 - Cast Double Attack on Spawn.
47) Shattered Hand Champion 17671 Cast Shield Spike, Invisibility  and Stealth Detection on Spawn.
48) Kroshius 14467 - Cast Fire Shield on Spawn.
49) Thessala Hydra 12207 - s.3391 manually casted.
50) Improve Web Timer for Gretheer 14472.
51) Improve hidden Aura Passives in ZA/MGT & Sunwell.
52) Tainted Arcane Wraith 15298 - Cast Spirit Particles (green) on Spawn.
53) Hand of Gorefiend 23172 - Cast Double Attack on Spawn.
54) Improve Plagued Ghoul 16447 & Remove wrong Double Attack Aura Passive.
55) Cast Invisibility and Stealth Detection.
56) Add Shattered Hand Gladiator and Shattered Hand Centurion.
57) Add all eye bcts.
58) Make collidus_the_watcher.sql reusable and fix file name for karazhan.
59) Add Servant's Quarters npcs into spell_list.
60) Ambassador Jerrikar into spell_list and correct spawns+waypoints.
61) Correct level ranges for some creatures.
62) Correct UnitClass for 4 outdated 70 npcs.
63) Add Anthion Harmon gossips.

Уважаемые Игроки!

Спешим сообщить Вам, что 08.10.2023 с 17:00 до 18:00, проводились технические работы в игровом мире.


1) Fix an old crash that happen randomly especially at startup.
2) Botanica: Add spell lists to laj and rework his elemental shift.
3) Botanica: Modernize thorngrin the tender with spell lists and add missing text.
4) Botanica: Readd back missing texts for thorngrin.
5) Botanica: Initial rewrite of Warp splinter.
6) Botanica: Port warp splinter to spell lists.
7) Mechanar: Modernize instance script.
8) Mechanar: Port all texts to bct.
9) Mechanar: Rework mechano lord capacitus using spell lists and spell script.
10) Mechanar: Tag nether charge action to only occur in combat.
11) Mechanar: Rework sepethrea using spell lists and combat ai.
12) Mechanar: Modernize pathaleon the calculator with spell lists and spell scripts.
13) Spell: Implement SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE and rename CalculateSpellCritChance.
14) Mage: Implement ShatterMage using SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE.
15) Unit: Rename MeleeDamageBonusTaken spellInfo.
16) Spell/Aura: Implement OnAffectCheck.
17) Spell: Fix two typos in unlearn blacksmithing weaponspecs.
18) SHH: Add nethekurse void zone correct aura.
19) Add cd to peon rp's.
20) Outland: Port doom lord kazzak to spell lists and combat ai and spellscripts.
21) SMV: Rework doomwalker using combatai, spell lists and spell scripts.
22) Adjust ExtractResources script to be POSIX-compliant again.
23) Doomwalker: Fix typo.
24) GameObject: Generic check for ignoring GO los by marking it m2 is incorrect.
25) Fixed error handling in ExtractResources.sh.
26) Changed ExtractResources.sh to not prompt for any settings when started with the "a" parameter.
27) Fixed all occurrences of 'SC2086 - Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting' in the extraction scripts.
28) Unit/Spell: Resolve weapon skill usage bugs.
29) Extractor scripts: fix bad command arg generation.
30) Unit/Spell: Fix AnyFriendlyUnitInObjectRangeCheck missing assistability condition.
31) Unit/Spell: Add missing hook into CalculateEffectiveCritChance for SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE.
32) Spell/Wand: Make wands use weapon skill for hit and crit chance calc.
TODO: Confirm whether wanding hit shares die with resist in vanilla and tbc or separate die.
34) Warlock/Spell/Pet: Fix warlock infernal summon spell for scaling auras.
35) Bloodmyst: Enable legoso support for spell lists.
36) Player: Make GetReqKillOrCastCurrentCount const.
37) EAI: Fix EVENT_T_DEATH not working with two layers deep PCs and fix npcs not being checked against cond.
38) Unit: Move LOS check from just EAI to general spell target picking for AI.
39) Fix warden scans terminator logic.
40) Pet: Fix default behaviour for IgnoresOwnersDeath.
41) TimerAI: Do not reset timers on evade for TIMER_ALWAYS.
42) SpawnGroup: Disallow aggro of same group member through CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER.
43) SpawnGroup: Allow spawn group aggro from previous commit for MC/Charm case.
44) SHH: Gladiator RP. Shattered Halls - Gladiator RP.
* Add rnd emotes to centurion.
* Fix some errors.
* Correct they way gladiators start fighting players when centurion gets attacked.
* Fix gladiators not starting to fight players when player starts aggroing gladiator.
* Remove hackfixed aggro, now working with spawn_group flag CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER.
45) [Spell]Ghost Visual Spells should not be removed on Evade.
46) [Spell]Add "Controlled" Prevention for Backstab and Gouge Spells.
47) [Spell]Add spells to should not be removed on Evade.
48) Unit: Another batch of renames.
49) Spell: Add DamageEffectType damageType parameter to OnAbsorb.
50) GameObject: Despawn/Refill chests 5 min after first opening even if not looted.
51) Spell: Add spellInfo to OnCritChanceCalculate.
52) BF: Port all texts to bct.
53) HFR: Port all texts to bct.
54) Shartuul: Fix legacy spell set choice.
55) Remove unused member from instance_gruuls_lair.
56) Fix a few typos in the Shattered Halls scripts.
57) Add missing spell 20409 for Onyxia transform.
58) Spell/Warlock: Port healthstone script to spell scripts.
59) SSC: Partial rewrite of hydross.
60) Spell: Fix typo preventing healthstone create and typo assigning.
61) Hellfire: Fix kazzak twisted reflection healing tank.
62) SSC: Rework Hydross using spell lists, BCT, CombatAI and area aura for transition.
63) Scripts: Fix SCRIPT_FLAG_BUDDY_BY_GUID with dynguid.
64) OHF: Port thrall script to bct.
65) Fix unit_condition not being insertable on db end.

1) Add missing auras to Triangulation Point Triggers and add spawn for Point Two trigger.
2) Convert Dragonmaw Bonewarder 1057 - creature_spell_list.
3) Rescript Culuthas into spell_list and add RP between Image of Socrethat and Culuthas.
4) Respawn Terokkar Forest Carrion Hill & The Bone Wastes Wildlife.
5) Remove wrong stormwind guards game_event_creature_data.
6) Respawn Restless Bones 182584.
7) Respawn Infested Root-Walker 22095 & Rotting Forest-Rager 22307.
8) Move Negatron 19851 to creature_spell_list.
9) Respawn Razorthorn Dirt Mound 187073 for q.11520 Discovering Your Roots.
10) Reef Frenzy 2173 - Cast Darkshore Frenzy on Spawn.
11) Bogling 3569 - Cast Bogling Passive on Spawn.
12) Illusionary Nightmare 4785 - Cast Illusion Passive on Spawn.
13) Remove wrong Poison Proc from Slims Friend 4971.
14) Cast Elemental Spirit Invisibility on Spawn.
15) Ravasaur Matriarch 6581 - Cast Thrash on Spawn.
16) Onin MacHammar 6886 - Cast Faded OOC.
17) RFD: Remove wrong Thrash Aura for Tutenkash 7355.
18) Felcular 7735 - Cast Thrash on Spawn.
19) Priestess Tyriona 7779 - Cast Perm. Illusion Bishop Tyriona on Spawn.
20) Walking Bomb 7915 - Cast Walking Bomb Passive Proc (100%) on Spawn.
21) Botanica: Add thorngrin the tender spell lists and missing text.
22) Botanica: Adjust warp splinter model data.
23) Botanica: Port warp splinter to spell lists.
24) Mechanar: Add mechanar bcts.
25) Mechanar: Add mechano lord capacitus spell lists.
26) Add Healing Way affect mask.
27) Add Increased Judgement of Light affect mask.
28) Warlock: Add t5 4 set affect mask.
29) Ambassador Solannas and his guards into spell_list.
30) Outland: Add bct and spell lists for doom lord kazzak.
31) Add end script for quest 'warn Bolvar!'.
32) Correct stats of mechs.
33) Add and Correct Creature Equipment, Add PTR Trainers and other npcs.
34) Zul'Gurub - Gurubashi Berserker 004 & 005.
35) Add doomwalker spell lists and bct.
36) Mechanar: Fix pathaleon spell lists logical typo.
37) Add Dark Iron Herald 24536 - Brewfes.
38) Update flags for Gladiator Groups and delete some unused creature_spawn_entrys.
39) Bloodmyst: Add demolitionist legoso abilities.
40) Correct Sleep Aura for Ghok Bashguud 9718.
41) SHH - readd aggro together to Shattered Hand Gladiator groups in Sparring Hall.
42) Collidus the Warp-Watcher into spell_list.
43) Final Cleanup and reguide of SHH.
44) Improve Stitched Horror 8543, Gangled Golem 8544 & Stitched Golem 8545.
45) Hedmush the Rotting 10821 - Cast Disease Cloud on Spawn.
46) Cursed Centaur 11688 - Cast Double Attack on Spawn.
47) Shattered Hand Champion 17671 Cast Shield Spike, Invisibility  and Stealth Detection on Spawn.
48) Kroshius 14467 - Cast Fire Shield on Spawn.
49) Thessala Hydra 12207 - s.3391 manually casted.
50) Improve Web Timer for Gretheer 14472.
51) Improve hidden Aura Passives in ZA/MGT & Sunwell.
52) Tainted Arcane Wraith 15298 - Cast Spirit Particles (green) on Spawn.
53) Hand of Gorefiend 23172 - Cast Double Attack on Spawn.
54) Improve Plagued Ghoul 16447 & Remove wrong Double Attack Aura Passive.
55) Cast Invisibility and Stealth Detection.
56) Add Shattered Hand Gladiator and Shattered Hand Centurion.
57) Add all eye bcts.
58) Make collidus_the_watcher.sql reusable and fix file name for karazhan.
59) Add Servant's Quarters npcs into spell_list.
60) Ambassador Jerrikar into spell_list and correct spawns+waypoints.
61) Correct level ranges for some creatures.
62) Correct UnitClass for 4 outdated 70 npcs.
63) Add Anthion Harmon gossips.

Автор - Присяжный
Дата добавления - 08-10-23 в 18:26
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